Get a free tempered glass screen protector for iPhone by following the steps: add Sundatom VK account as friend, share the post, contact via VK to get a code, place an order at Sundatom store with the code, pay 0.01USD and receive the free gift.
Get a free Tempered Glass Screen Protector for iPhone from Sundatom Store by following the steps: add Sundatom VK account, share the post, contact Sundatom for a code, place an order, leave a message with the code, pay 0.01usd, and receive the free gift. The offer is available on AliExpress.
Получите бесплатный подарок от Sundatom Store, следуя простым шагам: добавьте аккаунт в VK в друзья, сделайте репост, свяжитесь с продавцом, получите код, разместите заказ и оплатите его. Подарок - защитное стекло для iPhone.